Final conference – agenda
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Valencia)
Cami de Vera, s/n, 46022 Valencia
29th March 2023
9:00h – 9:15 h. Welcome and registration
9:15-10:00 h. ELP Transport Results
- An Introduction. Francesca Stecconi – management board Conerobus Service SrL, Elena Gentilini – UNIVPM
- The ELPT framework and vocational profile. Orsat Lale – ZAGREB
- Open Educational Resource and platform. Maria Evgeniou – CSI
- Work-based experience. Andrea Gonnella – Conerobus Service
- Tools for Assessment, Validation and Recognition. Mojca Cek – CPU
- Tool aimed at monitoring skills mismatch and updating the vocational profile. Tomás Ruiz – UPV
10:00h-11:00 h. E-learning and Work Based Experience in three European countries
- Introduction Mª Pilar Pérez – Consorci de la Ribera
- Pilots in:
- Italy – Mara De Nicolo, Francesco Desantis – Conerobus Spa
- Croatia – Orsat Lale – University of Zagreb
- Mª Pilar Pérez. Consorci de la Ribera – Consorci de la Ribera
- Evaluation and main takeaways Elena Gentilini – UNIVPM and Mª Pilar Pérez – Consorci de la Ribera
11:00h-11:30 h. Break
11:30-12:00 h. European Trends and Challenges
- Emre Kiram, Head of UITP
12:00h – 13:00 h. Round Table “Training needs and offer for LPT innovation, future projects and opportunities”
- TPL expert. UPV. Tomás Ruiz, Professor in Transport Department – School of Civil Engineering (Universitat Politècnica de València)
- TPL expert. Public Transport Company, Josep Enric García, transport and mobility consultant, former Manager of EMT Valencia
- TPL expert. Consultant. Enrique Villalonga. Transport and Mobility Area Head. CPS, Infrastructures, Mobility and Environment, SL
- ZET – Zagreb Electric Tram. Prof. Marko Slavuj, Ph.D, Head of Supervisory Board
- Provincial Transport Company Gorizia (IT). Ms Caterina Belletti, President
13:00h – 13:30 h. Conclusions
Ultimo aggiornamento
12 Dicembre 2024, 12:37